Evening! I know I am only a day late. My step son's birthday was today and I only have one more to go this week. My hubby's is tomorrow and my diet starts on Sunday from eating all the Birthday cake!
I thought I would share how I store my Cuttlebug folders since I now have 34 and a few more on the way. This is nothing super fancy but works pretty darn well. You could easily fit 50 in here and still be able to flip through them. The rack is definitely homemade and if I am not mistaken it was made by Kathy in her woodworking class at school. It is funny that all girls and boys were required to take a semester of Home Economics and Woodworking. Kathy passed woodworking with flying colors and almost failed Home Economics! You would never know it though today being the cooking diva she turned out to be.
It measures 11" L and 4" D and has plenty of room for two rolls of the standard folders. The newer border folders fit perfectly in the center and you can easily flip through to find the folder you want to use. Before I found this abandoned rack and put it to use I stored them loosely in a wire basket. To keep track of which ones I have. I cut the tops off the packaging, tossed the rest punched a hole in the corner using a standard paper punch and put them on a chain. You could easily substitute a jump ring.
How does everyone else store their folders? I am sure others would love to hear, post away!
Thanks for stopping by- Enjoy your evening!
I just store my folders in a basket-but I too have made a ring that I keep a sample of all my folders on. I take a small sheet of Card Stock and run it through the Cuddlebug folder (so I actually have a sample stamped out) and I then attach that to a large key chain ring. I toss it in my purse so when I'm shopping and have to have that cuddlebug folder I see-I know if I've already purchased it. This has totally helped me NOT to buy doubles of any of my LARGE collection of cuddlebug folders.
Thanks for sharing your amazing Cuddlebug Holder. IT ROCKS! Kadie
like Kadie's idea a lot. I never thought of doing a swatch ring! How creative and much easiler when shopping:) Thanks Kadie for this super idea.
These are all great ideas! I only have a couple so it's not hard to remember which folders I have! I keep them in a photo storage box with the rest of my CB stuff! Thanks for sharing these great ideas!
I also have a swatch ring. All my swatches are ATC size. I write on the back of the sample what the code & name is or print a little sticker out for it. I have also done the exact same thing for my Sizzix embossing folders.
Since binder rings can be on the pricey side, I found an economical substitute. I bought a pack of metal shower curtain rings from the dollar store.
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